Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Garbage day

Please clean out frig its garbage day today
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Thursday, December 16, 2010

WOW! What A Great Night With Some Great Heroes

Marzuq Muhammad (young man from Boston who works with urban youth to stress the importance of education), Mary Flannery and Kit Jenkins (from an incredible organization called RAW) joined us to be a part of our WOW! presentation to family, friends and classmates at the Orchard Gardens School on 12/15/2010. Our WOW! featured the kids talking about what they learned during the Heroes and Journalism apprenticeship as well as a video presentation with summary clips from our classes, interviews along with statements from the kids on what they learned about being a good journalist, what it means to be a hero, and how they could see themselves as heroes one day. They all did a great job and the video thanks to Patrick Morse (from Citizen Schools) editing and videography skills was terrific.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Last Hero Interviews and Preparation for Our WOW!

On 11/10, the kids visited Mary Flannery and Kit Jenkins, the founders of RAW ART, a remarkable program which teaches art to kids and teens in Lynn, MA, as a way to help them stay on track and in school given the challenges they face in Lynn, MA such as high rates of drug use, violence and gangs. As expected Mary, Kit and RawArt was amazing and the kids absolutely loved all of it. They were so excited to see the incredible art that Mary and Kit's students have done. In addition, the kids shared their own drawings that they did the previous week which showed the challenges they face in and out of school as teenagers and middle school students at the Orchard Gardens school; they really did a great job with the drawings as well as sharing their feelings with Mary and Kit. We then got a tour of the studio and then did a really fun drawing exercise where the kids drew a sketch of another students face without looking down at their paper (try it with a's a blast and I am a horrible artist).

On 11/17 and today, the kids have been preparing for our WOW! on 12/15. They are working hard to pull everything they have learned together including importantly from our live interviews with our Heroes (Marzuq, Michelle, Annemarie, Scottie, Mary and Kit). They have done a terrific job throughout the class and Patrick and I have been so impressed overall with their seriousness and preparation most notably during our interviews. For the WOW!, we will have 10-12 minutes to demonstrate what we have learned and the kids will do most of it. They will kick it off with some short introductions / overviews of our classes, and then we will watch a video which will include statements about what they have learned about heroes, good journalists and what they would like to do to help others one day.

Next week we will have a dress rehearsal for the WOW!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Clips and Feedback from our 10/27/10 Hero Interviews

In this class, the Hero Journalists interview 2 women, Annemarie Elmore and Scottie Wait, who have dedicated their careers to making the lives' of those in need including homeless adults and children better.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who Needs The Lottery

A couple in Canada decided that life before winning the lottery was just fine the way it was so they gave away almost all of the $11mm they won to organizations that needed it. Way to go....that's kindness.